Shram Bureau Bhawan

Socio-Economic Surveys of Different Segments of Labour

Socio-Economic Surveys Of Different Segments Of Labour (SESDSL):

The main objective under the SESDSL component is to conduct surveys/studies on different segments of labour. Currently, All India Survey namely the All India Quarterly Establishment Based Employment Survey (AQEES) is being carried out on a quarterly basis. AQEES has the following two components:

  1. Quarterly Employment Survey (QES)
  • Objective of QES
    • QES is an establishment-based survey and provides information on change in employment in establishments with 10 and more workers under the 9 selected sectors of the economy.
  • Nine Sectors covered in QES:
    • Manufacturing, Construction, Trade, Transportation, Education, Health, Accommodation & Restaurants, IT/BPO and Financial Service activities.
  • Sample Size allocation of QES
    • Around 12038 establishments will be covered in QES across 09 sectors.
  1. Area Frame Establishment Survey (AFES)
  • Objective of AFES:
    • To provide employment estimates for a sizeable segment of the economy covering establishments employing 9 or less workers.
    • To assess relative change in employment over successive quarters.
  • Nine Sectors covered in AFES:
    • Manufacturing, Construction, Trade, Transportation, Education, Health, Accommodation & Restaurants, IT/BPO and Financial Service activities.
  • Sample Size allocation of AFES
    • Total 15992 FSUs (bifurcated in urban and rural area) covering about 2.5 lakh establishments.

Besides the surveys, the following studies are also covered under this component:

(I)        Survey of Working and Living Conditions of Workers belonging to Scheduled   Castes and Scheduled Tribes Communities in Urban Areas.

(II)       Survey of Working and Living Conditions of Workers engaged in the unorganized sector of Industries/Employment

(III)     Socio-economic Conditions of Women Workers in Industry

(IV)     All India Survey on the Evaluation of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

