Shram Bureau Bhawan

Labour Statistics

Administrative Labour Statistics:

The Labour Bureau receives statutory statistics in the form of annual returns in the prescribed proformae under various Labour Acts from States/U.Ts and Central Agencies.  In addition to these annual returns, monthly returns on 

  • industrial disputes resulting in work stoppages, 
  •  absenteeism, 
  •  closures, 
  •  retrenchments and 
  •  lay-offs are also being received on voluntary basis.

Based on the data received by the enforcement machinery and provided to Labour Bureau under the following Labour Acts, the annual reports / reviews are published:

1. Factories Act, 1948.                     
2. Trade Unions Act, 1926.
3. Payment of Wages Act,1936
4. Minimum Wages Act, 1948
5. Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.
6. Plantation Labour Act, 1951.      
7. Legislation relating to Workers in Shops & Commercial Establishments
8. Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946.                  
9. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.     
10. Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.                 
11. Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961.      
