Shram Bureau Bhawan

Annual Survey of Industries

Annual Survey Of Industries (ASI):

The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the principal source of Industrial statistics in India. It provides statistical information to assess and evaluate objectively and realistically, the changes in the growth, composition and structure of the organized manufacturing sector comprising of activities relating to manufacturing, processes, repair services, gas and water supply and cold storage. From 1976-77 round, data under ASI is being collected under two schemes viz. (i) Census Sector (ii) Sample Sector.

Labour Bureau processes, compiles and disseminates data on the Labour Part of the ASI. The main objectives of the Annual Survey of Industries (Labour Part) data which the Labour Bureau compiles are to build a systematic database on Absenteeism; Labour Turnover; Earnings; Employment, and Labour Cost in Manufacturing Industries, and to analyse various components of Labour Costs such as Wage/Salary; Bonus; Provident Funds; Welfare Expenses, etc. in Manufacturing Industries. The latest data available is for the year 2019-20.
