Shram Bureau Bhawan


 Publications on Labour Statistics:

Labour Bureau undertakes the release of the following publication on a regular basis:

  1. Indian Labour Journal  (Monthly)-
    1. It contains special articles from eminent persons in the field of labour, reports, labour characterists, industrial disputes, statistical information on CPI numbers, information related to employment, wages, earnings etc.
  2. Indian Labour Year Book  (Annual) :
    1. It provides a general description of various topics such as employment, wages, CPI numbers, welfare, housing, health, labour legislation, absenteeism, productivity, etc. in a compact format
  3. Pocket Book of Labour Statistics (Annual) :
    1. It provides serial statistics in respect of a number of important aspects of labour, covering information on employment, social security, prices, industrial disputes, accidents, safety and absenteeism, etc.
  4. Indian Labour Statistics (Annual) :
    1.  It is an annual flagship publication of Labour Bureau and is a rich source of data on a wide range of parameters of labour in the country.