Shram Bureau Bhawan

Modernisation of Machine Tabulation Unit

Modernisation of Machine Tabulation Unit (MMTU) - Digitalization And Automation of All Activities of Labour Bureau:
Labour Bureau aims to ensure expeditious dissemination of information on various facets of Labour with a minimum possible time lag to keep pace with the changing environment. To facilitate the organization in achieving its aim, the scheme was taken up with the following objectives:-
1. Facilitating the work of different activities by using IT tools,
2. Regular updation of Labour Bureau’s website
3. Imparting training to officers / staff in IT tools
4. Implementation of NeGP and E-office.
The broad objectives of digitalization and automation project are:
1. To integrate the existing core activities of Bureau with advanced tools and technologies and making them paperless.
2. Digitization of archive data records.
3. IT based Survey solutions for surveys conducted by Bureau to make the surveys paperless.
4. Development of a database management system that addresses the need for seamless data transfer, storage, access and integrity.
5. Integration of database so created with the Bureau’s website including creation of a dynamic dashboard for dissemination to end users.